Marvelous Monday

It was a pretty fantastic day!

Won a fancy kitchen knife in a drawing.

Finally got the calendar refills for my agenda.  I can breathe now!  I was freaking out not having my calendar.  Yes.  I keep E-calendars and paper.

I got my adrenal tests back.  NORMAL,  in fact she said I am better than most she sees.  She does think that changing job functions to something less stressful and removing personal stress out of my life played a big role.  So I am staying low on the running and we’ll see if I can manage it.

My thyroid, D, and a few other things are still messed up, but she had some ideas on what to do.

As far as my weight gain?  No suggestions.  I told her I was evaluated by the clinics weight loss center and they turned me away.  She didn’t believe me.  I told her I had the email confirmation.  She said they never turn anyone away.  Well if I am not a candidate, i’m not. And I don’t believe in drugs or diets.   I eat right and exercise regularly.  I journal.  Things they make their non-drug patients do, I already do.

Speaking of diet, not dieting.  I started autoimmune paleo on 1.1.14.  As if I don’t have enough stuff cut, I am trying it for 3o days to see if it reduces inflammation and other things.  I miss nightshades.  And nuts.  And all my favorite spices contain nightshades, so I am using a lot of herbs and salt and pepper.  30 days isn’t that long, and then I can reintroduce things slowly and see what reacts and what doesn’t.  Already discovered a few weeks ago that almonds are a no.  SAD.

Overall a good day.  We will see how this football game ends.  WAR EAGLE!

Race Review: Shiner Half Marathon

Last year’s recap

Expo/Packet Pickup:  Good thing mom lives near San Antonio.  All of the pickups, other than until 5 pm on Friday and race day were in San Antonio.  Luckily mom picked up for herself, sister, and myself.

The shirt is cute.  Brooks tech tee in neon yellow with the Shiner Beer ram on it.

Beneficiary for the race is the Boot Campaign, which is a Texas based charity.  Check it out here!

Pre-race:  Seemed well organized.  Plenty of porta-potties.  The start is kind of narrow though.  Wish they would start the 5K before or after the start of the half and not at the same time.

Shot of MOST of our LUNA group.  I didn’t get the big group shot with the guys on my phone.  In fact, I am not sure who did!


Course:  Still not my favorite course just because it’s not scenic at all.  Doesn’t help that now Eagle Ford shale drilling is everywhere there, providing for less nice scenery.  The spirit of the community and the participants is my favorite part of this race.  All of the race volunteers are locals.   Small town, simple, community loving locals.  The kind of thing that makes your heart smile.

Refreshment:  Water, Gatorade, and gels on the course.

After the race they had probably 5 different kinds of Shiner beer and some great looking German food (brats, kraut, potato salad), plus bananas and water.  I stuck to bananas and water.  Sister had sauerkraut for the first time ever and she loved it.  Still laughing at the fact that she didn’t know what it actually was.   Mom and sister said the food was really good.

Post Race:  The live band was really good, or at least I thought they were.  Awards were beer steins again.  My friend Megan won her age group, YAY!

Here is a shot of the medal.  It’s very unique.  Plus the back is a beer bottle opener!IMG_2755[1]

This year I actually got to buy stuff at the brewery gift shop after the race, before the masses hit it up.  Someone is going to be spoiled with the goodies I found!

Overall it was another good race.  The issues I  had this year were ALL me (minus the weather).  This year was SO cold and windy.  Luckily not wet.  I started in capris (which I never wear), a tank, arm warmers, and a throwaway shirt with gloves.  I tossed the gloves at mile 2, the shirt I tied around my waist just in case I needed it later.  Arm warmers came off at mile 3, back on at 6 for maybe 5 minutes.  I had my temperature perfectly mile 7.  Tank top and capris only.  Someone told me the windchill was in the high 20’s.  I felt fine while I was moving in what I had left on.

I struggled the whole time mentally and physically.  At one point I wanted to DNF which i’ve never done.  I kept having my eyes lose focus which freaked me out (think it was severe allergies) and I had to walk at least 4 times.  Then my stomach bothered me.  Seriously?  I’ve never had issues with either during a race.

There wasn’t as much fun and socializing this year as last, because of the weather.  It was still cold and blustery.  My mom finished about 1.5 hours after I did, which meant I was standing still in the cold for a good while.  Between the three of us girls, none of us were happy with our actual times, but it wasn’t a worst either.

It was a hard pill for me to swallow.  I ran a 1:47 last year with ease, pretty much untrained in very humid and warm weather.  This year I was 10 minutes slower.  I am also 15 lbs heaver and not myself.  I love racing but I haven’t loved myself in the last 2 races.  Probably a sign I need to back off and take a break.


Race Report: Nike Women’s Marathon and Half Marathon

Race Report: Nike Women’s Race

Expo:  The expo hype was huge.  Luckily we got there Friday morning right after it opened and beat the crowds.  No lines to get our packets.IMG_2243[1]  The expo itself was nice, but Nike, Nuun, Paul Mitchell, LUNA, and Neutrogena were the only booths.IMG_2246[1]

Pre-race:  Seemed well organized.  Plenty of porta-potties.  Bag drop was easy, lining up was easy.  There was only 5 corrals though, for 32,000 people.

Course:  The start was crowded which was frustrating.  I was in the first corral behind the elites, but they let the first 3 go all at the same time.  This did not bode well for the first couple of miles.   The fog was so heavy that  couldn’t see anything.  Not to mention it made for a very humid and wet race.  The course was challenging to say the least.  Nothing that I couldn’t handle, but it was tough, some of the hills were pretty bad.

It wasn’t my best but it wasn’t my worst.  Definitely the hardest course I’ve ever run and the weather didn’t help.  I was proud of myself for what I accomplished and I truly had nothing left when I was done.

Refreshment:  On course-Clif shot blocks, water, and Nuun.  I know I took some Nuun but it was so watered down, I couldn’t taste it.

Post Race:   You get a Tiffany’s finisher necklace instead of a medal.  Half and Full get the same one.  From a San Francisco fireman in a tux. IMG_2341[1] This year was the 10 year anniversary.  The necklace was good, but not as cute as I hoped.  I wore it all last week though.IMG_2324[1]

Whole Foods sponsored the finisher food.  LUNA protein bar, banana, reusable bottle of water, fruit cup.

If you went to the finisher village and waited in long lines, you could get goodies from the Whole Foods tent (only GF item was Popchips).   Also a long line, but worth the wait were massages and full size Neutrogena products!

Overall the race was cool, but I am not sure I will do it again.  The crowds at the start were insane and that’s one of my pet peeves.  The crowds weren’t too bad when I finished, but by time my mom finished, the lines to jut get your food and get out of the finisher area were insane!  An hour just to get her out of the finisher area, then another hour plus to wait in the shuttle line to get back to Union Square.

Life changes

It’s been a whirlwind of events in the last few weeks, which left me with no time or desire to write anything.  Trying to take care of myself and work on ME.

I didn’t get a promotion I interviewed for, which I am ok with.  I rocked the heck out of the interview and was runner up out of 9 people.  I don’t dislike what I do now.  I just considered a huge jump in title and responsibility may be something I needed to try for.   Everything happens for a reason.   And frankly, with everything going on right now, it’s probably a blessing and a curse.  (*snicker*,  Drive By Truckers reference)

I didn’t go to Hawaii last week as planned.  Instead I went home for the weekend and then a week in Houston.  Before you decide to console me, it was absolutely the best thing I could have done.  I was surrounded by friends and family that love and support me.  I had an amazing time.

I got to have lunch and play time with my godson on Sunday.  LOVE him!  And I adore my BFF.  I can’t see either of them enough!


I spent Sunday night and Monday all day with Nicole.    I started off with a sunrise run from her house.IMG_1442[1]

And then we ran errands and were lazy.  It was awesome.  Pedicures, Freebirds, and pool time.  That’s the view from the pool we “borrowed”.  That didn’t suck AT ALL.


Tuesday I spent some time on the boat.  It was a lot of fun and relaxing (minus the mosquito bites I got all over my rear end).  Most importantly, I got to hang out with 2 friends I don’t see much.IMG_1465[1]

My parents came to town for 2 days and we took in an Astros game.  They lost in extra innings 😦   My parents and I explored the Kemah area all day Wednesday and then we went our separate ways.


I had breakfast with  friends every morning.   I still didn’t get to see everyone I wanted to see, but I made the most out of who I DID see.

I REALLY tried to read more of my book, but the 2 pages I read in the diner on Wednesday morning was pretty much all that I accomplished there.


I did not think about or do any work AT ALL.  This is huge.  Not having a work iPhone any more also helps!  I’ve found I miss the convenience of keep my email under control, but I don’t miss being tethered to it.  I watched my coworker who now has it, playing with it yesterday in a meeting, and it drove me crazy.  I am SO glad that’s not me anymore.

Now it’s back to reality.  Work, long to-do lists, and being busy.

I know one thing that is for sure.  This fiscal year my goal is to not lose ANY vacation time (I lost 2 weeks this year at end of August).  I need to take more time for the important things.

You can never be too skinny…

I don’t know whoever said that and I know it’s a popular sentiment.

I don’t agree with this and I never have.  When I got down to my goal in 2007 I was pretty happy (same size and weight I am now).  Then in 2010 I decided to lose a few more vanity pounds.  I didn’t want to be too skinny, I just wanted to get rid of a few trouble areas.

Summer of 2010 is when the health issues started to set in.


I think not.

This is a bad angle, because I am semi-sideways and look smaller than I am, but I am WAY too thin.  This is September 2010 in Florida.


I was flipping through photos after work meetings the other day and a coworker saw this one and lectured me.  I was really happy at that weight and at the time, I thought that was the ideal.  Shit, look at me.  I am smaller than Dan’s mother, who is TINY.

My body earlier this year, adjusted itself back to my original goal weight and not in the same distribution.  I was MAD.  But that’s where my body apparently is most happy.  My health has picked up in areas that weren’t working so well.  If I have to pack a few extra pounds to have normal bodily functions, then so be it.

Race Report: Jalapeno Half

Pre-race:  I wish I could say this went well.  They gave me a 5K number at packet pickup and I didn’t know it until race morning.  I realized as we were walking  the 1.5 miles to the start that everyone else had yellow bibs.  UGH 😦  I was able to get a new bib, but it was unexpected stress and it was cutting it close to the expected start.  My mom and sister did the 5K which started after the half.IMG_0810[1]

The race started late, but I heard the RD was in an accident and that’s understandable.  But that also meant 45 minutes hotter.

Course:  The start was congested and tight.  It was like running in a cattle chute for at least a mile, but then again, that’s most races.  I didn’t start where I should have.  Then again, I had no expectations.  There was nothing I like about the course except maybe the first and last mile, which had trees and was in the park.  The rest of the race was on the concrete along the Trinity River.  Not even scenic parts, i’m talking dead grass and industrial.  It was like running through a wasteland.

Refreshment:  Water and sports drink at 4 stations, so you got 8 chances.  I drank at all of them.  At some of them, I had both, which I don’t usually do.  It was so dang hot!

Post Race: bagels,Nutrigrain bars, Propel drink, breakfast tacos from Taco Cabana, Zico coconut water, bananas and Monster energy drinks.  I downed a coconut water, and ate half a banana, it was all I could have from the choices.

There were about 10 baby pools of ice that were being used to soak feet, to help people cool.  I eventually put my whole self in.  I think it helped with bringing my heat down for sure.   Once I got my legs in, it was worse than any marathon-training ice bath i’d ever had as far as tolerance.  IMG_0813[1]

For entertainment they had a jalapeno eating contest and a costume contest.  I got 5th in costume, which put me out of the money. I had a green top, green tutu, and green knee socks that we sewed little sombrero pom-poms on.  I ran in mine, a few of the winners didn’t run in theirs, which was slightly annoying to me.  At least I can recycle my tutu for Christmas.

This was my first summer race ever and my first race since November.  I had no expectations or any idea just how hard this was going to be.  First I just wanted to not walk.  At one point, I just wanted to finish, which I did, but after mile 9, I was falling apart.  I started getting goose-bumps which is BAD NEWS!  Even though I was taking in both hydration options, it wasn’t enough.  I stopped to walk at least one minute in miles 9, 10, 11, and 12.  My final time was my 2nd slowest time ever, which I have no issue with.  It was just under 2:03 which I guess was pretty good considering how hot it was and my 4-5 minutes of walking.

Day 17, Friday: A favorite photo of yourself and why

blog everyday in may

This is the first photo that comes to mind.  This is from October 2012 Cap 2 Coast relay.  My teammate Jose snapped this from the car.  It’s honestly one of the only good photos of me running.  Ever.
C2C melissa

I do know this was the first leg on the first day, it was my only leg of the race that was in daylight and it was at noon and SUPER hot.  I am not sure what point this was on that leg, because I don’t really remember many chain link fences.  For the most part it was barbed wire fences on a very windy and hilly Niederwald Farm to Market Road.

I like this photo because while I was having medical issues, I look strong.   Oh and this was 6 days after I got hit by the car on my right side.  I ran strong and maybe a little too hard here, but I felt fine doing it.  This is the last photo I have before I lost much of my visible muscle tone.

I hope that soon I can look and run like this again.  But this time, i’d like the rest of my body to play along 🙂


Day 10, Friday: Most embarrassing momentblog everyday in mayI have many, but this one is tops.

The one and only year I have been able to run Texas Independence Relay, I was set to do 4 legs.  My 3rd leg was in a really nice area on the edge of Houston.  It was the shortest leg of the race, it was cold, and I was feeling GOOD.  I took off and I started making “road kills” left and right.  I was booking it.  I was in perfect conditions and I was rocking.

When I got to the intersection where the only turn was, I went left.  I couldn’t really see the markings on the ground, so I kept running and I kept seeing runners.  I thought I was doing well but I began to wonder where the heck the exchange was.


I turned left instead of right and ran over a mile in the wrong direction.  I was so pissed.  Turns out those runners I saw, were just random Sunday morning runners.  I ran like hell back the other way and passed a few people, but in my wrong way turn, i’d been passed by 5 teams.  By time I got to the exchange, I was so mad I was crying.

So I was mad, crying, and looking around for my van.  That particular exchange was manned by an Austin running store (ok it’s a chain, but the people there were from Austin).  One of the guys working it, had sold me shoes a few days before, so he remembered me.  So he got to see me pissed off crying and ranting, as did the rest of my team, which I will mention, were newly introduced to me 2 days before.  I HATE when people cry in public.  I was that girl.  I couldn’t handle a simple turn or dealing with my dumb mistake.

One day I will run TIR again and I want to run that leg and get my redemption.

Powers of healing

Minus Tuesday, which was a super high stress day at work, I have been feeling GREAT!  Like I stayed out until 3 am on Saturday morning and I didn’t take a nap Saturday OR Sunday (although for my adrenals, that a nap probably would have been wise).  And I have actually slept at night!  Granted, I am still waking up at least twice, but once of those is by alarm to take my early morning dose of thyroid.

What have I been doing other than the new supplements, along with my regular medication?

Yoga.  I did Yoga, Friday, Saturday, Sunday, and Monday.  My favorite of course is the class at Lululemon.  I wish they were having them there in February.  I did a small amount of Galloway before yoga on Sunday and it felt fine.  But my issue wasn’t always how I felt, it was what my body reacted to on the inside.  I haven’t done it again since.  Maybe today.

Giving.  I took half a day off on Friday, so I could volunteer for the Rogue 10k/30K packet pick-up.  I may have played hookie 🙂  I got to hang out with my gal Jenn and meet some new people.

Fun.  Dinner at Garrido’s with Dan and our friend Heather on Friday night.

Is it just me, or does Dan’s steak, over potato cakes with giant roasted jalapeno on top look kind of naughty?  Yeah, 90% of their menu is GF, I think he ordered that to keep me paws off of it (the potato cakes aren’t GF).


I got steak too, sorta.  We didn’t eat dinner until late, so this was actually a 2nd light dinner for me.  There was no way I could wait until 8:30 to eat!mkGarridos

 Drive By Truckers show at the new Emo’s east after dinner.  If it weren’t for drunk college kids, it would have been the perfect evening.  Music heals.  This girl doesn’t do front row for ANYONE anymore.  But no matter what I say or how crazy the crowd is, I ALWAYS end up in the front row for DBT!

That’s my trying to be artistic pic of my Alabama guy, watching our favorite band from Alabama!
dan dbt

We didn’t get home until 3 am.  WHEW!  Long Friday was SO worth it.  Exactly what we needed.

Saturday and Sunday, I worked on a few projects that were long overdue and did my taxes.  Now I am waiting for Dan to do his, to decide who claims the house (depends who benefits more $ from it).

Besides some stress hiccups from work, I am feeling GOOD!  Praying this lasts!